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Pierce the veil necklace – YIOTA VOGLI


  • Name of the artist: Yiota Vogli
  • Name of the piece: Pierce the veil
  • Tamagit reference: #024
  • Edition: One-of-a-kind
  • Series: Dialogue
  • Type of piece: Necklace
  • Dimensions: 53x13x3 cm
  • Wheight: 120 gr
  • Materials used: Alpaca, brass, paper pulp, acrylics, spray paint
  • Statement: From our early age we adjust our behavior to gratify our needs and learn to adapt to the external world. As we grow up we condition ourselves to keep all the unaccepted parts of us outside our conscious awareness, though, we drag them ‘behind us’ all the time in our subconscious. This repression of unwanted parts creates what psychologist Carl Jung called the personal shadow. ‘There is no light without shadow and no psychic wholeness without imperfection’ * Jung, C.G. (1968). Psychology and Alchemy, Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 12, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press
    Shielded Sentiments:
    Developing a keen awareness of our surroundings and habits that will avoid life-threatening situations is basic. Then there is having a plan of action when we are faced with a physical assault.Protecting our self emotionally calls for more. Some people use to avoid uncomfortable situations by metaphorically ‘shielding their self’, and even though this mode of protection has become somewhat comfortable for them, the accompanying feelings of anger, anxiety, and repression are far from healthy.By dismantling that wall of emotional protection, we’ll start building a healthy bridge to the people and situations that we truly want in our life!


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  • Name of the artist: Yiota Vogli
  • Name of the piece: Pierce the veil
  • Tamagit reference: #024
  • Edition: One-of-a-kind
  • Series: Dialogue
  • Type of piece: Necklace
  • Dimensions: 53x13x3 cm
  • Wheight: 120 gr
  • Materials used: Alpaca, brass, paper pulp, acrylics, spray paint
  • Statement: From our early age we adjust our behavior to gratify our needs and learn to adapt to the external world. As we grow up we condition ourselves to keep all the unaccepted parts of us outside our conscious awareness, though, we drag them ‘behind us’ all the time in our subconscious. This repression of unwanted parts creates what psychologist Carl Jung called the personal shadow. ‘There is no light without shadow and no psychic wholeness without imperfection’ * Jung, C.G. (1968). Psychology and Alchemy, Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 12, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University PressShielded Sentiments:
    Developing a keen awareness of our surroundings and habits that will avoid life-threatening situations is basic. Then there is having a plan of action when we are faced with a physical assault.Protecting our self emotionally calls for more. Some people use to avoid uncomfortable situations by metaphorically ‘shielding their self’, and even though this mode of protection has become somewhat comfortable for them, the accompanying feelings of anger, anxiety, and repression are far from healthy.By dismantling that wall of emotional protection, we’ll start building a healthy bridge to the people and situations that we truly want in our life!
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